Reach Application Form

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Welcome to the Stage 1 application for the Reach Fund. 

The application form should take approximately 30 minutes to complete if you have all information to hand.

To be eligible to apply for the Reach Fund you must be

  • A charity or social enterprise based in and operating in England
  • have a clear social mission or recognised charitable purpose
  • distribute less than 50% of post-tax profits and reinvest at least 51% of surpluses into pursuing your social mission
  • have a constitutional or contractual lock on your social mission, dividend and surplus distribution policy and “asset lock”
  • referred to the programme by an Access Point.

You can save your application at any time by ticking the "Save my progress and resume later"  checkbox at the top/bottom of the form. To go back to a form you have previously saved, please click the "Resume a previously saved form" link at the top/bottom of the page.

Information about the fund, eligibility and application guidance can be found at

If you have further questions, please contact
Information About You
Please confirm your key contact details so we can keep in touch about this application. 

Section 1 – About your organisation

(i.e. The exact name registered at Companies House/ other regulator)

(this will usually be the year the organisation was incorporated)

How diverse is your organisation's board and senior management team?

We are collecting data on equalities to better understand the make-up of the organisations this fund will support. 

We have a commitment to ensuring that we fully represent the diversity of the sector in our funding. The data will also feed into wider on-going Programme reporting and learning.

People who assess their day-to-day activities as limited by long-term physical or mental health conditions or illnesses are considered disabled.

What percentage of your board and senior management team are:

Completion of these questions is encouraged but voluntary.
Section 2 – Your services and beneficiaries

What are the top 3 postcodes of operation for the organisation's current activities?

Note: We understand you might operate across more than 3 postcode areas, please provide the 3 postcode areas where you work with the largest numbers of beneficiaries/ customers.

We need to understand how many individuals work for your organisation. Please complete the below categories

Note: Enter a whole number (no commas or symbols) and 0 if the answer is none.

Section 3 – Your organisation’s income

(Trading from B2B, B2C, B2G only)

(including both grants and/or contracts)

Section 4 – Raising investment

By submitting this form you are confirming that the information contained within it is true and correct at the time of submission, and that you will notify us of any changes to it. You are also confirming that you have the authority to submit this application on behalf of the organisation’s governing body.

Your data will not be shared with any other third parties not involved in the Reach Fund and will only be used for administrative purposes in relation to the fund and for its duration. All data sharing will be in accordance with current data protection regulations.

The full privacy policy for The Social Investment Business can be found at